Crawford County Bigfoot reports 1946 to 1994

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1986-1994: Jamestown: A couple living near Jamestown has several unusual encounters with an unforeseen creature heard moving through the woods and around the house late at night. The couple’s dog displayed unusual behavior on several occasions when the creature was heard.

1960: Springboro: On a summer day a woman reported seeing a large hairy creature with broad shoulders and a small head. It walked on two legs and had deep set eyes that glowed white like a light bulb (even in the daylight). This sighting is from the same woman that had the sightings in 1946 and 1959 in Crawford County. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon

1959: Conneautville: A woman was walking home along a rural road when she saw the shadow of a creature with a huge body and small head. She reported a choking odor of rotten garbage and various vocalizations comprising of whistling, laughing, and screaming sounds. The creature also touched her shoulder. This sighting was from the same woman that reported sightings in 1946 and 1960 in Crawford County. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

1946: Dicksonburg: This young girl was playing in the woods and grabbed what she thought was a tree stump on the ground. Instead, it arose, and she observed a large, black hairy bi-pedal creature with dark eyes, wide mouth, and large square teeth. The hair felt like pine needles. This sighting was from the same woman that reported sightings in 1959 & 1960 in Crawford County. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.