Centre County Bigfoot reports 1970 to 2002

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April 11, 2002 near Mount Logan: Trails of large human like footprints were discovered.

July 20, 2001 near Grove Run: A man was sleeping at his campsite when he was awoken around 3:15 am. He heard the heavy footfalls of an animal coming down the hillside towards his campsite. The animal walked between the witness and the campfire. The witness saw that the animal was an 8 foot tall creature covered in glistening long black hair and walked on two legs like a human. No facial features were visible. The arms hung to its knees. He also heard the creature making heavy breathing sounds. The creature continued down the hill towards the creek and disappeared into the darkness. Although the man did not feel threatened, he did feel that the creature was still around and watching him in the darkness.

July 1991, near Livona: A woman driving along route 192 observed a reddish colored creature watching her from a tree. She described the creature as being 3 ½ to 4 foot tall, weighing about 130 lbs. covered in reddish brown hair like a fox. The two observed one another for several minutes before the creature walked up a path and disappeared.

January 1970: Centre County: A female witness reported seeing an ape-like creature leaning against a post along Rte. 45. When the sighting was investigated, footprints 21 inches long and with 3 toes were found in the snow. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.