Clearfield County Bigfoot reports 1977 to 2001

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North of Clearfield: July 15, 2003: It was late in the evening when the witness heard loud garbled sounds, grunting, and heavy breathing. There was also a very foul stench in the air. Her 5 English setters were all in their pens hiding. They would not come out of their pens to see what was going on.

Du Bois: July 2003: A mother and son had heard on many occasions a loud bellowing type sound coming from the woods. Strange odors were also smelled. A large, heavy animal was heard walking through the woods at night breaking branches and making a lot of noise as it walked.

September 22 2001: Two men out deer spotting sight two creatures walking down a gas line off of Kelley Cellar Road on the Rockton Mountain. They also report hearing baby crying vocalizations.

September 2 2002: Rockton Mountain near Kelley Cellar Road: PBS members hear heavy footfalls, branches breaking and a rock is thrown at the group. No tracks were found, no animals sighted.

June 2002: Rockton Mountain: PBS members discovered several three toed tracks along route 322 between Clearfield and Dubois.

May 2001: North of Clearfield Rockton Mountain: After he investigated rustling in the bushes while hiking, PBS Researcher Scott Hangartner witnesses a large black colored creature run away from him on 2 legs.

March 2001: near Brisban: Man driving to Clearfield on route 153 watches 7 ft tall brown colored creature crossroad in front of his car.

Clearfield County: November 2000: A man changing tire on side of road, hears strange screams and yells coming from the woods on both sides of road.

September 2000: North of Clearfield: Rockton Mountain: Two researchers Scott Hangartner and John Vukovich discover 19 inch track close to sighting location where woman viewed creature on side of road.

September 2000: Curwensville: A woman driving a bus near town of Curwensville watches a 7ft tall hair covered creature cross the road in front of her school bus while on her way to pick up children.

August 2000: North of Clearfiled:  Rockton Mountain: A woman driving home late at night witness a small grey/black colored creature sitting up against a guardrail. As the woman slowed down, the creature stood on two legs and stepped over guardrail walking down embankment and into forest.

August 5, 2000: Three men hiking in a wooded area near Rockton Mountain, claim they see a reddish brown object standing up right. It appears the creature is watching them from behind a tree. One witness takes photo. Photo shows something large and reddish brown, but is too difficult to determine what it is due to the distance away.

Fall of 1999 near Penfield: A man was sitting quietly in the woods when he heard the sounds of an animal approaching from behind. He turned to see a tall, hair covered creature walking towards him. The creature stopped within 60 yards of the man and ran off the opposite direction. The creature stood approximately seven foot tall and weighed about 400 lbs and covered in black hair.

December 1991 near Penfield: A hunter sees a shadowy dark figure in the woods while hunting near the Penfield Water Supply. He also smelled a foul odor like decaying flesh.

1985 near the Dubois Reservoir: Two young couples were hiking near the reservoir. They decided to stop and build a campsite and a fire. The two women excused themselves to go to the bathroom. While in the woods, they heard movement and began to smell a rotten egg smell. They quickly returned to camp and told the two men. The men told them they probably heard a deer. After a while, it was dark and the fire was going, the couples began hearing heavy footfalls around the campsite but could not see the animal or human responsible. They decided to pack up camp, extinguish the fire and leave. Whatever was making the heavy footfalls around the campsite followed them back to the car. The couples got into the car and turned on the headlights. In the beams of the headlights, they saw a large hairy creature standing 25 feet away. It stood 7 to 8 foot tall and was covered in reddish brown hair. The creature had an oval shaped head, wide mouth, an apelike flat nose. The arms and chest appeared powerful. The stare down lasted several minutes until it was interrupted by a loud piercing scream that came from the woods. The creature ran back into the woods and the couples fled the area.

Summer 1983 near Mahaffey: A woman riding her ATV at a strip mine claims she spied a creature sitting on a ridge watching her. As she approached, the creature got up and walked into the woods atop the strip mine. As she drove to the wooded area atop the strip mine, she discovered several partially eaten turkeys, as if some animal took large bites out of them. She found huge human like footprints near the dead turkeys.

January 12, 1977: Curwensville: It was cold with snow on the ground. At 4AM the witness heard his dog barking fiercely. The witness found 18″ x 12″ footprints with either 4 or 5 toes made by a bi-pedal creature. He tracked the creature in the snow for about 150 feet before it disappeared into “thin air”. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.