Cambria County Bigfoot reports 1980 to 2004

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February, 2004: Windber: While driving on route 56, a woman claims she struck a 2 ½ foot tall hair covered creature with the body of a bear and face of a monkey. After turning around to return to the area, upon arriving, the creature was gone. Submitted by the PBS.

January 20, 2004: Ogletown: While driving on a back country road, a man witnesses a creature crossing in front of his car in three steps. The creature disappeared into a thick wooded area. Submitted by the PBS.

2000: March 2000: Four individuals witness a brown colored creature spying on them from behind a tree, while they are walking through the woods. The creature stares at the group for a few seconds before running off at a high rate of speed. Submitted by the PBS.

June 25, 1995: 3:15AM: near Revloc: A witness and his passenger were driving along Rte. 422 west of Revloc. They saw a creature illuminated in the high beams of the headlights as it crossed the road from right to left about 100 yards in front of their vehicle. They only observed one creature and for only a few seconds. It was bi-pedal, very tall and dark brown in color. The creature was much broader at the shoulders than below the waist. Even though it was clear, the man driving said the creature appeared to be “Misty”. The passenger doesn’t recall it being misty that night. They pulled off the road and shone the headlights into the woods but couldn’t see the creature anymore. In the area were the sighting occurred there are some large power lines and a reservoir. Submitted by: Paul Johnson.

1992: Between Altoona and Galitzin: A woman driving on route 22 after dark, witnesses a creature run across route 22 in front of her car, jump a guardrail and drop down an embankment. The creature was a smaller creature standing about 5 foot tall covered in dark colored hair.

September 10, 1982: Conemaugh Township: A male witness was driving to work during the daylight hours when he observed a 7 foot tall, hairy creature cross the road in front of him. It crossed Truman Boulevard in 4 steps and walked up a hillside. The witness estimated that the creature weighed around 400 pounds, had no neck, with long black hair and an elongated head. No physical evidence in the area was found. Submitted by Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

August 25, 1980: South Fork: A male witness saw a 7 foot tall, sulfur smelling, hairy creature. This sighting occurred in the vicinity of several abandoned coal mines. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

August 24, 1980: Conemaugh Township: Late at night, the witnesses heard growling and snorting outside their window. The next morning they found two large, 5 toed footprints nearby. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.
bullet August 23, 1980: Conemaugh Township: The witnesses heard strange noises, like snorting and growling sounds outside their window. Their dogs were barking hysterically and a penetrating aroma, like the “acid odor in a mine” was also detected. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.