Armstrong County Bigfoot reports 1976 to 2004

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March 8, 2004: Freeport: A man driving on a back road witnesses a tall hair covered figure standing on the left side of the road.  As he approaches within 70 yards of the creature, it crosses the road in three steps, steps over a 3 foot high guardrail without breaking its stride and disappears down an embankment.  The man states the face and chest area are lighter colored then the rest of the animal.  He also claims he discovered a four toed footprint on the berm.

May 2000: Armstrong County: On a back country road, a man driving home from work witness a bigfoot type creature cross in front of his car and enter the woods. He watches as the creature walks into the woods and looks back at him. The witness describes the face of that of a Neanderthal.

January 22, 1996: 4:55PM EST: Madison Township: This incident occurred along SR1004 and was observed by a State Trooper. The terrain was isolated, wooded and hilly. Nearby there is a stream, some cabins, and railroad tracks. It was a cold and rainy day with snow on the ground. Approximate temperature was 40 degrees. A tall, hairy, bi-pedal creature stepped out of the woods and stopped briefly, about 20 to 30 feet in front of the vehicle, looking at the approaching vehicle. It then crossed the road in front of the police vehicle and disappeared into a thicket of laurel bushes. The entire incident lasted about 10 seconds. The State Trooper had an excellent view of the creature and it saw him too. There was only one creature and it stood 7 to 8 foot tall. The creature was brown to a dark brown in color with long shaggy dog hair. The hair on its back was the darkest brown. The State Trooper estimated it weighed about 300 to 400 pounds. The creature had kind of a pointy head with a very pronounced forehead. Its face was hairy except near the eyes and the mouth area. It had almond shaped eyes the size of quarters (the witness could not make out the color), a flat nose, a normal mouth area, and the lip area was tight. It stood slightly stooped over with its shoulders dropped and had a barrel shaped chest. No unusual sounds were heard and no odors were detected. The State Trooper got out of his car and found 6 footprints that had a human shape with 5 toes, measuring 18″ x 6″. No castings were made and no other evidence was found around the area. Submitted by: Paul Johnson.

Summer 1991: Tarentum: A creature was spotted in the witness’s peripheral vision. It was estimated to be 8 to 9 feet tall with long brownish, silver/grey hair. The witness shot at it. This sighting was about 1/2 mile into the woods from the witness’s house at dusk.

1985: near North Vandergrift: When the witness was 10 years old, he and his mother were traveling on Dime Road toward North Vandergrift in Armstrong County. Two hairy creatures crossed in front of their car, stepped over the guardrail and disappeared. The creatures had black hair with a reddish tint and red eye-shine from the head lights. Submitted by: Paul Johnson who got the information from Bob France.

May 1979: Apollo: A tall, hairy creature came out of the woods at night and walked towards a house trailer. Two men shot at it and the creature ran back into the woods. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

1979: near Apollo: A man pulled into his driveway and saw a huge, black, erect walking creature leaning against a tree. After a few seconds it retreated into the woods. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

May 1978: Apollo: A witness observed a tall, hairy creature beat heavily on a window air conditioner. After several minutes, it ran into the woods and disappeared. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

October 11, 1977: Cadogan: Several residents were driving on Dutch Hollow Road at night when they observed an 8 1/2 foot tall creature with knee length arms in a field. It had a cone shaped head, no neck, broad shoulders, and black hair. After a minute, it disappeared into the woods. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

September 17, 1977: Cadogan: A relative of the sightings from July, August, September 5th and 10th, 1977 in Cadogan, Armstrong County observed a grey-colored creature that walked on two legs with very long strides. The witness estimated the hair on the creature was 3 inches long. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

September 10, 1977: Cadogan: The same witness from the July, August, and September 5th, 1977, sightings in Cadogan, Armstrong County again saw a creature from a distance in the woods behind his house. At the same time there was UFO activity in the area. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

September 5, 1977: Cadogan: The same witness from the July and August 1977 sightings in Cadogan, Armstrong County was mowing his lawn near dusk when he had a feeling he was being watched. He looked 30 feet into the woods and observed an 8 foot tall figure covered with brown hair. The creature had a cone-shaped head, broad shoulders, and no neck. It appeared to be slightly stooped at the shoulders and was able to hunch down as it moved away from the witness through the pine trees. The witness also detected a sulfur odor. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

September 1977: Cadogan: A resident reported that a strange animal in his area was bothering and mutilating his farm animals. These animals included turkeys, geese, and cows. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

August 1977: Cadogan: The same witness from the July 1977 sighting in Cadogan, Armstrong County again observed a creature from a distance. The witness was still too far away to view any details. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

July 1977: Cadogan: A man saw a hairy, bi-pedal creature at a distance in the woods behind his house. The creature was too far away to see any detail except for the general shape. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

April 1977: Cadogan: While walking in the woods behind his house, a man observed a tall, hairy bi-pedal creature. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.

Worthington summer of 1977 or 1976: Two witnesses working on a farm making hay, observed a 7 to 8 foot tall watching them. The creature walked on two legs and did not make any noise or threatening gestures. Later strange howls, cries or moans were heard. In the same area there are old caves, mines and very thick bushes/thickets.

Fall 1976: Cadogan: A hunter walking through huge thickets bumped into a “bigfoot creature”. Both the witness and the creature turned and ran in opposite directions. Submitted by: Paul Johnson/Stan Gordon.