Mifflin County Bigfoot report 1991

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April 2nd or 3rd, 1991 4:00AM: Juniata River, near Harrisburg: This sighting occurred at a Steel Mill. The night watchman was at his job when he noticed a strange sulfur like odor. He then walked toward the river with his flashlight to check on the pipes. In the beam of the flashlight, he saw the reddish eyes of a hairy creature standing in about 6 feet of water. This creature stood approximately 7 foot tall and was reddish brown in color. The night watchman stood mesmerized for about 30 seconds before the creature started moving towards him. The creature was agitated and animated. It shook its arms and hands and was growling. The watchman started running away from the river. As he looked back the creature made a deep, low bellowing sound. Submitted by: Paul Johnson (Original report came from a researcher from a California Bigfoot Organization. The report was left on their 800 hotline #.)